Welcome to the platform

A cloud based platform for the management of measurement results
It may include the parameters and equipment required by the Customers, as long as it is possible for our Technical Team to establish an effective connection between the platform and the intended parameters/equipment.

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Modern web platform

Our platform uses fast and reliable data centers powered by Amazon Web Services.
The platform provides an insightful dashboard to quickly get an overview of your monitoring project.

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Effective device and data management

The platform helps you monitor and manage your devices.
You can explore live or historical data and even run technical analysis on raw data.

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Alerts with dynamic thresholds

It is possible to define limits based on incoming telemetry events, updates, device inactivity and user actions.

More than 50 Terabytes of processed data
since September 2021

The amount of data that the Platform will need to process depends on the customer's targets. Some of the current Schiu's projects are very demanding in terms of storage of raw vibration and noise data. We are, therefore, capable of delivering to our customers a good monitoring response, regardless of the complexity of the projects.


Our platform can be adapted to perfectly fit your needs.
Here are some examples of our current projects.

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Noise and/or vibration control indoors or outdoors

Construction of the St.º Ovídio / Vila d’Este Line of the Porto Metro (Portugal).

SCHIU Monitoring platform is controlling the vibration values inside multiple houses next to the construction site.

In order to guarantee a detailed analysis, the vibration signal in the vibrometer (“Wireless Vibration Meter Data Logger – VSEW_mk2 – 8g” vibrometer from Convergence Instruments) is being recorded at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. It is thus possible to run an online FFT analysis (up to 500Hz) of the recorded values.

Standards/parameters that have been used/controlled on the platform and defined alert generation values:

  • Portuguese Standard NP 2074: 2015:
    Parameter: Vector sum of the x, y and z components, of the vibration peak velocity values ​​(4 to 500Hz): 1.5 mm/s; 3 mm/s; 6 mm/s; 12 mm/s.
  • International Union of Railways (UIC):
    Parameter: Maximum 1 s RMS values of the vibration speed, with Wm weighting in frequency (1-80Hz): 0.1 mm/s; 0.3 mm/s; 1 mm/s.
  • Portuguese National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC):
    Parameter: Maximum value of the 1 s RMS values of the vibration speed, without frequency weighting (1-80Hz): 0.11 mm/s; 0.28 mm/s; 1 mm/s.
  • British Standard BS 5228-2:2009+A1:2014
    Parameter: PPV Resultant values (i.e. vectorial sum of the three orthogonal components):
    Cosmetic damage: 7.6 mm/s, 12.5 mm/s, 15 mm/s; 20 mm/s; 40 mm/s
    Human response: 0.14 mm/s; 0.3 mm/s; 1 mm/s; 10 mm/s
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Noise and/or vibration control indoors or outdoors

Mafra City Council (Portugal).

The City Council established a Municipal Regulation that obliges the noisiest bars/clubs in the county to install a sound limiter with a microphone and to publish the sound levels on the platform. Opening hours and limit values are also established.
Any brand of sound limiters on the market can continue to operate, it just needs to adapt to publish the sound levels in the platform API, according to the current state of the art.

The platform allows a hierarchy of users, namely:

  • Administrator can:
    - See the sound level values in real time and historical from all the bars/clubs that are connected to the platform;
    - Define their opening hours, the respective limit values ​​(during and off opening hours);
    - Define the respective generation of alerts (in-hour alerts for values ​​above the threshold, out-of-hours alerts, alerts for non-timely publication of data, alerts for attempted fraud (depending on the limiter brand));
    - Receive real-time alerts from all bars/clubs;
    - Manage alerts on the platform and creation of monthly reports.
  • Property Owner can:
    - See the sound level values from their bar/club;
    - Have access to the API access password for publishing bar/club data on the platform;
    - Receive real-time alerts.

Fully compatible devices

Our team has already established an effective link to enable real-time communication of these devices with the platform.
We look forward to connect any other type of devices as required by costumers.

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Vibration Sensor

Convergence Instruments Wireless Vibration Meter Data Logger | VSEW mk2 - 8g.
Manufacturer's Website

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Vibration Sensor

PCB Piezotronics 393B31
Manufacturer's Website

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Noise Sensor

Convergence Instruments Sound Level Meter Data Logger with type 1 microphone | NSRT_mk3_Dev
Manufacturer's Website

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Noise Sensor

PCB Piezotronics 378A04
Manufacturer's Website

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APC EASY UPS BV 500VA (generates alerts UPS is turned on)
Manufacturer's Website

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Wind direction sensor

Manufacturer's Website

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Wind speed sensor

Manufacturer's Website

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Camera Sensor

Raspberry Pi Camera Module w/ Fisheye Lens
Manufacturer's Website

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Pressure sensor

Bosch BMP180
Manufacturer's Website

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Temperature and humidity Sensor

Manufacturer's Website

Request for Proposal

Thank you for considering a proposal regarding the SCHIU Monitoring Platform!

SCHIU Technical Team will contact you to access your purpose for using the platform (namely the way of monitoring and parameters and equipment to be used) in order to submit the appropriate and adequate methodological proposal and price.
Please fill in the following fields for further contact:

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